For more than 30 years people living in Kwaibala area in Auki, Malaita Province are just using a log to cross over to their residence. The log that they used as a bridge is believed to be more than 50 years of age is no longer worthy enough for the next coming years. CAUSE Project realises the need of the community for a footbridge. Towards the end of 2018, a groundbreaking ceremony was held at Kwaibala where work has started for the construction of a new footbridge. The new footbridge is now completed and ready to be used. Mesack Tuafai a resident at Kwaibala said he was very please to see this new development happening at their doorsteps. For the past many years children and older people are using the log as a means of reaching the other side of the village. At times when it rains, it slippery, and people find it hard to walk on comfortably. But with this new footbridge now ready to be commissioned, life is more comfortable than before.