Addendum to the Environmental and Social Management Guidelines (ESMG) for the CAUSE Project

The final version of the Addendum to the Environmental and Social Management Guidelines (ESMG), version dated 20 July 2021, has been prepared for the purposes of the proposed World Bank-IDA supported Community Access & Urban Services Enhancement (CAUSE) Project – Additional Financing (P176094) in the Solomon Islands. Copy of the Addendum is currently available for public inspection at the office of the Community Access & Urban Services Enhancement (CAUSE) Project, Tandai Highway, Honiara. An electronic copy of the document may also be downloaded from the following links:

Name of DocumentDownload LinkScan QR Code to Download
Final version of the Addendum to the Environmental and Social Management Guidelines (ESMG), version dated 20 July 2021Click to DownloadScan to Download
Environmental and Social Management Guidelines (ESMG). version dated December 2017Click to DownloadScan to Download
Disclosure date: 09 August 2021

CAUSE is being implemented jointly by the Honiara City Council (HCC) and the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID). CAUSE Project implementation is currently ongoing. In the event that any person is interested in this document, he/she may also write or contact the CAUSE management team involved in project implementation at the following email address and landline: or call (+677) 21173 loc 214.


The draft addendum to the Environmental and Social Management Guidelines (ESMG), version dated 6 April 2021, has been prepared for the purposes of the proposed World Bank Additional Financing – IDA, DFAT and MFAT Supported Community Access & Urban Services Enhancement (CAUSE) Project in the Solomon Islands.  Copies of the 2017 ESMG and the draft Addendum to ESMG are currently available for public inspection at the CAUSE Project Management Unit Office at Tandai Highway, Honiara (beside Melanesia Pacific Haus).  Electronic copies of the documents may also be downloaded from the following links:

Name of DocumentURL Link for Download
Environmental and Social Management Guidelines (ESMG) dated December 2017
Draft Addendum to the
Environmental and Social Management Guidelines (ESMG) dated 06 April 2021
Disclosure: 13 April 2021

CAUSE Project is being implemented jointly by the Honiara City Council (HCC) and the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID).

In the event that any person is interested in these documents, he/she may also write or contact the CAUSE management team involved in the implementation of CAUSE Project at the following email address and landline:, (+677)21173 loc 214.